Get Your FREE $50 Gift Card For Organic Products For Your Dog (and your humans too)
We love and value dogs like children, and know how to improve the health of dogs, which is why we offer the finest, purest, and highest potency products that are non-GMO project verified, certified organic, and are people consumable grade. We also offer valuable, holistic options and information on ancient remedies and practices. We are not doctors or veterinarians. We are people, just like you, with a passion to help our four-legged-loves live a happy and healthy life.
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog, the whole world is changed.”
GPS Systems and trackers for Dogs
Have you wondered what would happen to your beloved pet if he/she got out of your house or yard? How would you ever find them? Do you watch those commercials on TV with all of the poor missing pets that are now living in concrete kennel? If you do, then those commercials can possibly send a wave of panic though you, like it does me. Being the pet lover that I am, I have spent countless hours researching, talking to vets, and picking the brains of animal control personnel to find out what would be the best way to get my pets back home, safe and sound. So far, this is what I have come up with…but this discussion will continue, at a later date!
Pets in Vegas
Are you planning a trip for the rapidly approaching Christmas season? If so, are you planning on taking your fur-babies with you? Traveling with your dogs can be a fun and exciting time but taking a moment to consider exactly where you will be traveling with your pet could save you some stress and heartache. Dogs can be very susceptible to over stimuli, and I know that, as dog lovers, we would never, intentionally, cause harm to our loved ones, right? Let’s just take a moment to think about where we are visiting, from their point-of-view.
Pet Care
Traveling can be a lot of fun but it can also be very stressful, when you don’t have a plan or the right people in place to care for your fur-babies, while you are out, traveling the world! Knowing what is available or who is available, in your area, is a very important thing to know. Even if you are not a frequent flier, per-say, you should still know your options, in case an emergency should ever arise. Because I have been in our community for several years now and since I have such a large variety of animals, I am familiar with people in just about every boarding capacity there is. This means that I can have a well in advance planned trip as well as a last minute family emergency situation covered within just a few hours. This makes my life much more pleasant as I don’t have to worry about “what-if”. Planning is very important to being a successful and caring pet owner. Here are just a few of my tips.