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We love and value dogs like children, and know how to improve the health of dogs, which is why we offer the finest, purest, and highest potency products that are non-GMO project verified, certified organic, and are people consumable grade. We also offer valuable, holistic options and information on ancient remedies and practices. We are not doctors or veterinarians. We are people, just like you, with a passion to help our four-legged-loves live a happy and healthy life.
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog, the whole world is changed.”
With the many different ways to train a dog out there, it can all get a little confusing and extremely frustrating, to say the least. Dogs are meant to be enjoyed and if you are constantly frustrated and fighting their training, it can suck the enjoyment part right out of it. I am not a professional dog trainer but I have trained my fair share of dogs. I have also been blessed to have a sweet and amazing dog trainer as a neighbor so I have been able to pick up a few tips and tricks, along the way, that I’d love to share.
Coconut oil and your pets
Ever wonder what all the hype is surrounding coconut oil? So may people are talking about it’s benefits and, it is everywhere you go! Seriously, just a few years ago, it was practically unheard of, not it’s on TV, it’s in all the grocery stores, it’s featured in sales adds…and the list goes on and on. Truth is, coconut oil really is worth all that hype and deserves to be looked at as a natural, healthy addition to any diet, two-legged or four-legged. It is a staple and a must have in our house because ninety percent of us use it, on a regular basis. The other ten percent, just don’t know they are consuming it. 🙂
Customer Service
Are you a customer service snob, like I am? Do you feel that the single most important part of owning or managing a customer based business is training your employees with exceptional customer service skills? I do, and I always have. Maybe it is because my first job, at the age of twelve, was with a family friend who owned a dog grooming saloon. Dorrie taught me EVERYTHING about customer service and for that, I will be forever grateful. They were lessons that I not only learned but they because bench marks as to how I expect to be treated when I am giving my hard earned money to someone in exchange for their service. The customer service that I experiences recently was above and beyond exceptional and I just had to share!