Yes, yes, it is Luke’s sixth birthday and definitely a day to celebrate! While I try to celebrate all of my four-legged-loves birthday’s, in some form or another, Luke’s special day is, well, special, for two reasons: one, his birthday is the same as my birthday, and two, he almost didn’t make it to see his first birthday, so we cherish all of his!

If you watched my introduction video, you will have heard the story of Luke, so I won’t bore you with the story…again. Needless to say, we are definitely blessed to have him in our lives!

What I do want to share with you, regarding Luke, is the fact that he has EPI, or Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. He was diagnosed with this when he was five months old and I was told, at that time, that he would always, have it. As of now, they were correct. Let me explain exactly what this “EPI” is, and then I will go into the maintenance of it. EPI is the inability of the pancreas to produce the necessary enzymes to digest food. This means, in essence, that the dogs basically starve to death because their bodies are unable to absorb any nutrients. (The website,, is an outstanding resource on this subject and one that I would highly recommend that you check out if you find yourself caring for an EPI dog.) A starving dog sounds a bit “doomsday” and hopeless, wouldn’t you say? Well, there is a way to turn these pets around and to enable them to live a long and healthy life, just like Luke. The answer is simply, enzymes. Yep, you read that correctly…just one additive to the diet, and that is enzymes. Why? Well, by adding enzymes to their food, every time they eat, you are adding in what their bodies are not naturally producing which are: Amylase, which breaks down sugars and carbs, Lipases, which breaks down fat, and Trypsin and Proteases which digests proteins. Sounds complicated, I know, but as long as you are diligent about getting the proper enzymes into your fur-baby’s system, chances are pretty good that he will live a full and happy life.

Where do you find these “enzymes”? Well, there are a few places that specialize in enzymes for EPI dogs, and they are certainly good. In fact, those places are where I started with Luke’s enzymes. However, with everything, there comes education and understanding so as soon as I found our “Enzyme Advantage”, I immediately switched Luke over. The potency and quality of our products are second to none and you can get them shipped, directly to your door. If you’d like to check these out for yourself, just click on this link: (remember to use “LOYALTY” as the gift code to get your discount)

The other thing, that I have been adding to Luke’s food, since this past October, is our Biome Medic,(remember to use “LOYALTY” as the gift code to get your discount) . This product is exclusive to us and is the only anti-GMO available, anywhere in the world. It’s patented ingredients are able to gently clean and restore the gut by removing the buildup left behind from glyphosate, which is the active ingredient found in herbicides and pesticides. I love that it adds both pre-biotics as well as probiotics to Luke’s gut. I have noticed an increase in energy and a decrease in his seemingly sore joints, especially on cold mornings. These two products have indeed made a huge difference in Luke’s life and in his well being. If you have an EPI dog, or know of someone who does, I would highly recommend that you try these products out.

Remember, by using the gift code, “LOYALTY”, upon checkout, you will get $50 off of your first $75 order, as well as receive a 24% discount on all future orders.

Oh, and one more thing, ALL of our products are people grade products: if they are good enough for me, they are good enough for my sweet pets.

Many blessings to you and your four-legged-loves ~ Tammy

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