Halloween and your pets

Halloween and your pets

Greetings and Happy Halloween! Today is the start of the festive season and almost everyone enjoys festivities, especially when they are centered around foods, lights, and dressing up, either in costumes or holiday attire. With all of that being said, I would like to...
How do you decide what to feed your beloved pets?

How do you decide what to feed your beloved pets?

What to feed your dog. It can be a very frustrating topic. The choices are endless but the information seems to be very limited. Not to mention, most of the dog foods are all owned by the same “parent” company. How do you decide what to feed your beloved pets? Do you...
I was born and animal lover

I was born and animal lover

To say that I was born and animal lover, would be a huge understatement. I was riding horses (with my dad), feeding chickens, and helping with ranch chores as I was learning to walk. By the time I was six years old, I had my very own dog, when I turned eight, I got my...