

How do you “train” your dogs? Housebreak, leash train, basic command train, socialize, etc.. I have seen and heard of may different techniques, from clicker training to “diversion” training to positive reenforcement training to crate training,...
Customer Service

Customer Service

Happy Tuesday morning, all! I wake up this morning, with several of my fur babies greeting me with wagging tails, heart-felt nudges or licks, and purrs…and I haven’t even seen the outside pets yet! For all of these greetings, I am so very thankful and so I...
Fire and your pets

Fire and your pets

I missed Tuesday’s blog; our house burned on Saturday night and I guess I was a little pre-occupied with trying to get life back to some sort of “normal”. By-the-way….I think “normal” is a long ways off. Here’s what...