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We love and value dogs like children, and know how to improve the health of dogs, which is why we offer the finest, purest, and highest potency products that are non-GMO project verified, certified organic, and are people consumable grade. We also offer valuable, holistic options and information on ancient remedies and practices. We are not doctors or veterinarians. We are people, just like you, with a passion to help our four-legged-loves live a happy and healthy life.
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog, the whole world is changed.”
Happy Day After
Holiday foods and traveling can be tricky when you have dogs and cats around to worry about. What leftovers are okay to give them and which ones should absolutely be avoided. It can be hard to say no to your pet, especially after they have been “traumatized” by all of the extra activities and visitors that may have been at your house, so I understand wanting to reward them with some yummy left overs and treats. Please use a lot of caution when doing this as there are things that their systems simply cannot handle and can cause great harm to our beloved fur babies.
Traveling with pets
Traveling with your dog can be a very enjoyable experience and it can be a very traumatic experience, if you don’t do it often enough. All of my dogs travel with us, on a regular basis, but my grandmother’s six-year-old dog hardly every travels, much less on three hour trips. Thankfully, I have thought this trough, before hand, and I have a plan in place that will hopefully go as smooth as I am imagining it. One of the things that people nee to remember is that they need to stay calm; being excited and nervous about traveling with you pet can make the fur-baby even more anxious. I have traveled in cars, on cruise ships, on trains, and in airplanes with my dogs, so I understand the importance of remaining calm. Pre-planning and practice are also very helpful, in making pet trips happy, safe, and enjoyable.
New four-legged-loves
When you think of adopting an animal, do you automatically go to puppies or kittens? Have you considered adopting an older pet? I have fostered and rescued several adult animals over the years, but have never adopted a cat as old as nine years. This will be my first “elderly” pet and I am nothing but hopeful about being able to love and enjoy her just as her previous owner did. If you are looking for a companion, would you please consider visiting a local shelter and taking in a mature four-legged-love? They may have lost their baby-fur, but I guarantee that they have no shortage of love to give.