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We love and value dogs like children, and know how to improve the health of dogs, which is why we offer the finest, purest, and highest potency products that are non-GMO project verified, certified organic, and are people consumable grade. We also offer valuable, holistic options and information on ancient remedies and practices. We are not doctors or veterinarians. We are people, just like you, with a passion to help our four-legged-loves live a happy and healthy life.
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog, the whole world is changed.”
Injury, in general, can be extremely stressful and even terrifying, especially when it happens to our fur-babies. After all, they cannot speak for themselves and they trust that we will keep them safe and care for them. Sometimes, things happen, and they get hurt. When that happens, what is your first response or knee-jee-reaction? Mine is to fix it myself, because sometime, I can. The key is to know when it is outside of my range of knowhow and to be willing to step out and let the professionals take over, regardless of their homeopathic knowledge. Admittedly, this can be difficult, especially when it comes to medications, but with a little trust, a lot of communication, and willingness to step outside of yourself for help, things can generally work out for the best. There is definitely a balance that takes time to figure out.
Stress and your pets
Stress can, and probably will, occur in all of our lives at one point or another. It is the same thing for our pets, especially during the holiday season when there is extra all-around stress at home. Many things can trigger stress, like visitors (both two-legged and four-legged), changes in schedules, your stress level, and even weather changes. It is important to understand that not all stress can be avoided but there are a couple of things that you can do, in advance, to help keep the calm and to reassure your fur baby that everything is going to be alright. These small, but important changes, can turn a potentially bad situation into an enjoyable celebration.
Dogs and epilepsy
Dogs suffering from seizures caused by epilepsy can, potentially, find relief in more homeopathic and natural alternatives. There are so many things that can be treated and prevented just by watching exactly what your pets are eating and learning to manage their stress levels. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is simply defined as reoccurring seizures. Epilepsy in dogs is very similar to the same disorder in people. It’s causes and seizure triggers can also be very similar so knowing the causes and potential triggers are very important.