GPS Systems and trackers for Dogs

GPS Systems and trackers for Dogs

Several years ago, I was talking to a friend of mine about GPS Tracking Systems for dogs, and wishing that they were available. There was a bit of a confusion, when “micro-chipping” came out because people thought that if they got their dogs...
Pets in Vegas

Pets in Vegas

My husband and I are currently visiting Vegas and are enjoying the many different facets of this town, that never sleeps. I have enjoyed Vegas, for many years, visiting for different reasons and at all different times of the year. It has changed, a lot, some for the...
Pet Care

Pet Care

Chances are, if you have pets, you will probably, at some point, be needing someone to take care of those pets when you travel. There are several different options, for pet care, so you will need to decide which option is the best option for you, your family, your...
Kate’s Story

Kate’s Story

It was about fourteen years ago; I was managing a retail store in Santa Barbara California when a lady came in with one of the most adorable dogs I had ever seen. I knew it was an Australian Shepherd, because I had Emma, who was my “Aussie-shadow”....
Cushings Disease in dogs

Cushings Disease in dogs

Did you know that dogs could get Cushings Disease? What is Cushings Disease? What should you look for and how can it be treated? What about Addison’s Disease? Are they they same, different? Those are all questions that have run through my head. I have only...
Aging Dogs

Aging Dogs

I never really considered my, then seven-year-old, dog old until I took her to the vet and he made a comment about how she looked really good, “for a senior dog”. I was shocked and saddened. The thought that she could be considered a “senior”,...
Happy Day After

Happy Day After

Happy Day after Thanksgiving! I hope that all of you had an amazing holiday yesterday and that you and your fur babies are recovering from all of the food and festivities. For those of you who traveled for the holiday, you probably still have your ride home to look...
Traveling with pets

Traveling with pets

My ninety-year-old grandmother has a six year old lab/pit mix named Ruth. Ruth is a very sweet dog and is an excellent companion for my granny, but she is not a great traveler because she never really goes anywhere. Ruth isn’t afraid of traveling, she just gets...
New four-legged-loves

New four-legged-loves

I realize that this is primarily a “dog” blog, but what you need to know about me is that I have over fifty animals here consisting of seven different species: dogs, horses, goats, pigs, ducks, chickens, and cats. Many of my furry friends have been...


Last Friday, about two hours after I finished my blog, one of our Border Collies, Payton, decided to injure herself by running under a trailer to get a ball. My husband and I had been working in the horse pasture trying to rearrange some space for some of our horses....