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We love and value dogs like children, and know how to improve the health of dogs, which is why we offer the finest, purest, and highest potency products that are non-GMO project verified, certified organic, and are people consumable grade. We also offer valuable, holistic options and information on ancient remedies and practices. We are not doctors or veterinarians. We are people, just like you, with a passion to help our four-legged-loves live a happy and healthy life.
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but for that one dog, the whole world is changed.”
The Truth About Vaccines and Your Dog
Where do you stand on the whole pet vaccine debate? Are you the type that follows all vets suggestions and orders, no questions asked? Maybe you’re more on the “hoping” nothing bad will happen side because it is just to hard to remember which dogs had what vaccines when. Or maybe, you rebel against all things pharmaceutical and refuse any shots or prescription medications. Me? I am somewhere in the middle. Up until recently, I was always pretty good about keeping my dogs vaccines up-to-date. However, the more I learn and the more “experts” I talk to, the more I am leaning toward the latter of my options. Let’s see where you end up.
Socialization and your dog
What is the importance of socializing dogs? When is the best time to socialize dogs? What if my dog is timid and scared around other people? These are all great questions and there are many different ideas in training surrounding this very subject. The most important thing to know about this is that it is extremely important to get your dog used to as many different people and environments as possible. This will help you when it comes to visits to the vets and even emergency situations. Exposure, in a safe and controlled manner, can not only make your life easier, but it can create a trust bond between you and your four-legged-love that will deepen and last a lifetime.
Gone to the Dogs
Where do you fit in, with your love of dogs? Are you a dog owner, like them and have them around, because you always have, or are you a crazed dog lover who talks to the dogs, at the end of the leach, before even acknowledging the owner, or whoever happens to be walking them? There are definitely different levels of dog-loving-people out there. I am of the crazed group, if you didn’t already know that. I’m not sure that dog lovers are the majority as I feel that there are more casual dog owners, but either way, I just wanted you to know that I am here for you…regardless of your level of commitment into the canine world.